Æ® Mask : Grey

Æ® Mask : Grey


Æ® Adjustable Face Mask

These are clearly not N95 medical grade mask

…Unfortunately, We don’t trust you enough to NOT tell you that.

Cotton and washable

Stay safe out there folks

-This product is guaranteed to attract attention, wear with caution.
-Do not iron or wash this item while wearing the item.
-Do not eat item or feed item past midnight.
-Do not let your significant other wear the item because you will never get it back.
-Do not commit murder or any other dumb shit while wearing this item, I do not want to be framed.
-This product was not tested on animals and besides it probably wouldn’t fit right although the animal would look maad fly.
-For best wash results have item dry cleaned when it’s dirty.
-For worst wash results drag item through a dirt field behind car and blow dry on roof rack.

-Errrthing is hand printed, in-house.

Be patient with us. Shit happens.

We love you.

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